Wow macro use belt slot

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Equip slots in Macros Edit. When creating macros based on "click to use" items (especially trinkets), the common practice is to enter the actual item name. However Using the numeric designations for an equipment slot is a much more effective method as it eliminates the need to manually modify your macro when you upgrade a particular item.

How to use an item with a macro - This brief Wow macro guide will teach you how to use items in a macro like potions, trinkets, belt tinkers and more. Adding macros to your dps, tank or healing rotation makes you a better player and more handsome than the next guy. Engineering tinkers macro - World of Warcraft Forums I was wondering if anyone can tell me how to call up a specific item slot in a macro. I need to call up my gloves and belt in my /use macros, each item in an individual macro. I use the same macros for pvp and pve but I have to have 4 macros right now, I want to drop it down so I can use the same 2 macros without having to edit them as I get ... What /use # stands for? • WoW Lazy Macros What /use # stands for? When making macros, you can put also special enchants with use like engineering enchants on gloves or belt, etc. Instead of putting the whole name of the item in the macro, you can just add a “/use #” and save space for more abilities.

Engineering /use macro - World of Warcraft

InventorySlotId - Wowpedia - Your wiki guide to the World of ... Note that you should never use these values in AddOns, since they may change. Use GetInventorySlotInfo(invSlotName) to get the current mapping. This list is only meant to be used as a reference for reverse mapping while debugging, or possibly for use in macros. These can be used for commands such as UseInventoryItem and PickupInventoryItem. Equipment slot | World of Warcraft Wiki | FANDOM powered by Wikia

Contents[show] Equipment slots on a character. Armor Armor items category Head Head items category Shoulder Shoulder items category Chest (aka Body) Chest items category Back (aka Cloak) Back items category Wrist Wrist items category Hands …

This will use both slots, but only your usable trinket is usable, so, the macro will use it. If you have two "use" trinkets, the macro will use whatever is in slot 13 (the top trinket), the other trinket will have a 20 second cool down. If you're spamming this macro then there will be no problem in getting full use of both of the "use" trinkets. WOW Macros Guide,Macros Spells and Abilities,Macro Tips WOW Macros Guide Macros What Is a Macro Creating a Basic Macro Macros Spells and Abilities Targeting in Macros Group and Raid Macros How do I make a macro Macro Tips Captain Jigs' Macro Guide. The Many Uses of the Basic Macro In our first section, we covered the basics of how to create a simple macro, but that was just the tip of the iceberg. Can I bind a key to a macro without applying it on an action ... So far all I can do is to create a macro, place it on an action button, and make sure that this action bar has a key bound to it. But now I'm running out of action buttons. Macro/Addon for wand-spam - Quality wow vanilla realm (1.12)

Equipment slots in macros. When creating macros based on "click to use" items (especially trinkets), the common practice is to enter the actual item name. However, using the numeric equipment slot identifiers eliminates the need to manually modify macros after upgrading a particular item.

World of Warcraft - Macro tips and tricks. - YouTube

Using, Equipping, and Managing Items with Macros. When you type two numbers separated by spaces, the macro assumes that you are referencing a bag slot rather than an inventory slot. The second number corresponds to a particular bag slot, starting from 1 and continuing until the last slot in that bag.

Engineering tinkers macro - World of Warcraft Forums